About Us



Work System
Office / Warehouse
Office Office members have the autonomy to start their workday between 8 and 10 a.m We implement a flexible working schedule that accommodates their lifestyle patterns.
Warehouse Warehouse staff must adhere to the designated working hours of 9 to 6.
Flexible Leave System
Don't hesitate to take a break! You're free to use your vacation days whenever needed. We operate a flexible vacation-leave system, allowing you to take time off in two-hour increments.
Honorific Titles ‘님’
We embrace a culture of mutual respect and egalitarian communication, using first names and '님' titles regardless of age or seniority.
Warehouse For warehouse staff, emphasis is placed on hierarchies rather than a horizontal culture, prioritizing workplace safety.
Casual Dress Code
Complete freedom in attire! We respect individual styles.
Look Back Report & Mobigeeks of the Month
Office / Warehouse
Office Office members take time each month for self-reflection through a Look Back Report, and the company listens to members’ feedback once a month. Along with the Look Back Report, we select the 'Mobigeeks of the Month' across all Mobidays units and give a small gift.
Warehouse This program is targeted towards office staff, so the logistics team is excluded from the Look Back Report. However, the PO team, responsible for procurement tasks, is included in the program.
Cross Lunch Event
Office / Warehouse
Office We hold Cross Lunch events where colleagues from different departments, including Mobidays, come together to have lunch and foster teamwork.
Warehouse Warehouse staff who do not work at the head office do not participate in the event.
Holiday Eve Event
We hold a delightful 'Holiday Eve' event on the day before major holidays, featuring acts of kindness such as 'Love Gifts' where team leaders personally select and give thoughtful presents to their subordinates. The event also includes quiz shows, random draws, and other gift-giving activities.
Warehouse Warehouse staff participate remotely in events via YouTube live streams. In cases where participation is difficult due to holiday workload, separate compensation for them may be considered.


Support for Unavoidable Overtime
No unnecessary overtime! We believe completing tasks within regular working hours is more admirable. However, if you are forced to work overtime, we support dinner expenses, late-night taxi fares, and accommodations at nearby business hotels.
Practical Training Support
We support Mobigeeks' professional development and self-improvement by covering external training expenses related to their work.
Relaxation Space
We have a lounge you can freely utilize for resting, meals, and meetings.
We provide a variety of snacks and beverages unlimitedly every day.
Support for Book Purchases
Purchasing books necessary for Mobigeeks and the company's growth is always welcome.
A book corner is available for freely borrowing work-related books
We are always rigorously considering our culture to ensure that all Mobigeeks can work in a better environment tailored to each department and work situation.