About Us


We are looking for talents to join our journey.
Open Jobs
Operation Group

Hiring Process

The process may differ depending on position and internal matters.
After reviewing the applications, we will contact you individually only for those who passed the document. We do not provide separate notifications for those who failed the document.
The results of the interview will be communicated within 5 business days regardless of the outcome. In case of any delays due to internal matters, we will inform you in advance.
The probation period for all positions is 3 months (contract basis). Regular employment will be determined based on the evaluation during the probation period.

Talent Pool

For those who are interested in joining Mobicontentstech even if the desired position is not currently available, please register in our [Talent Pool] through the link below. Anyone who wishes to participate in our three Core Values : ‘Customer Satisfaction, Globality, and Passion' is welcome.
If you are full of passion with a lot of interest in K-culture, and have experience in fan activities If you are someone who seeks growth If you respect colleagues and customers After reviewing your resume, we will prioritize offering positions to you when suitable positions become available.
Closed Jobs

If you have any Question?

Please feel free to contact us anytime at recruit@mobicontentstech.com
Anyone interested in Coffee Chat, please fill out the Coffee Chat application form. You can meet a 1:1 HR Manager.